Chair Networking

These sessions are relatively informal and are designed for information sharing and networking. Topical subjects are introduced, usually by external expert speakers. You will also have time to raise your own issues and questions and given a forum for discussion, problem-solving and support. A programme is produced for each Chair Update, designed to cover the topics that are most relevant to you as a chair within your council in the sector at that time. Details will be advertised prior to the event.

Suitable Audience

The Chair of Parish and Town Councils.

These sessions will be held face to face.


By the end of the ‘Chair Update’ you will have:

  • Added knowledge
  • New contacts
  • Topical updates on relevant issues


Members of the Hampshire ALC Team and Guest Speakers

2024/2025 Prices

Hampshire ALC Member/Development Partner£10+VAT
Berkshire ALC Member/Non Hampshire Development Partner£12.50+VAT
Non Member£20+VAT

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